I’m not typically drawn to sci-fi, but I’m stoked I let myself get roped in this time. Within the first few pages, I could tell the characters would appeal to me and that it’d be a compelling and out-of-the-box story. It’s all about selfdiscovery, grappling with reality, and coming of age in pretty far-out conditions. The two main characters have got some seriously tough obstacles to overcome. Even when faced with a bewildering and complicated reality they didn’t ask for, they don’t lose their youthful fire or their devil-maycare attitude. Their banter is pure gold – humor, sarcasm, and endearing squabbles. I reckon it’s their way of dealing with the rough times and the stress that comes with it. The author dives into some heavy political, social, sociological, and ideological topics in this novel. By crafting his own universe, he highlights how dangerous blind faith and fanaticism can be, especially regarding pre-set rules or values. It’s a wake-up call, reminding us not to take anything at face value, to create our own value system, and to question anything that seems shady or unclear. Simultaneously, the author exposes the gears and levers running the world for centuries. The players and the backdrop might change, but the script of events stays the same. The age-old battle between good and evil persists, and it’s often tough to draw a clear line between them. Even when good triumphs, it takes some hits along the way. The author also points out the deceptiveness of our perceived reality. First impressions can be deceiving; people around us can change and make mistakes. He nudges us to maintain a healthy level of skepticism towards pretty much everyone because, after all, we’re all human. Another key theme in this story is the irresistible allure of power and the relentless quest to seize it, often disguised under lofty ideals and noble rhetoric. It’s chilling to see how quickly heroes turn ruthless once they get a taste of power, beginning to see themselves as superior and privileged. Along with the characters, we experience the catastrophic consequences of absolute power falling into the wrong hands... I highly recommend this book for its unique characters, gripping plot, and subtle nudge toward introspection. Now, I’m on a mission to find the second book of this mind-blowing trilogy. Ania Zawłocka-Miksa
Azure Scream
Azure Scream
‘Azure Scream’, written by Thomas Blaidd, is a fantasy novel about friendship turning into love, which then grows into a powerful force of nature. Ayen is a young man and a lawyer, but he’s been barred from his profession due to his parents’ mysterious past. Now, he lives on the fringes of society. He’s a shy, quiet introvert living in his own world. His friend Keiko, a high official’s daughter in the Eternal City, was sent away after her mother’s death and raised secretly by the people known as the Radiant Ones. She hides her identity because Earth’s authorities have marked her as a potential threat to the Ideology of the Eternal Religion; she’s a young woman of exceptional abilities – independent and energetic, yet holding many secrets. When a government assassin discovers Keiko’s hideaway, she and Ayen have to fight to save their lives, their friendship, and the love blossoming between them. Chased and hunted by assassins dispatched by Earth’s government - an ‘ideal’ superstate run by the Council of Elders and the Great Religion. They travel across provinces, battling for survival. Three parallel worlds exist Fonsim, Earth, and Arabanga. After many adventures and with the help of the angels from Arabanga, our heroes reach the parallel world of Fonsim, where the Source of Soul Energy resides. Simultaneously, the Father (ruler) governs Earth through the Energy of Evil. With every obstacle they overcome and battle they fight, Keiko and Ayen learn more about themselves, the power and strength that, contrary to the laws governing the world, become a formidable weapon against the Energy of Evil. They live in a brutal and deceptive world, where most of the society unknowingly and knowingly accepts the ideology of the Great Religion, a belief not in God or gods but in the Source of Eternal Energy. To end the bloody regime on Earth and save the lives of millions of people, they must destroy its Source of Energy in Fonsim. This Source is a massive vortex where the souls of humans killed over thousands of years are trapped, fueling the Eternal Source of Evil Energy that allows the Father to rule the Earth. Keiko and Ayen must face the ruthless Guardians of the Source. On the path to the vortex, Keiko encounters her father, who abandoned her when she was ten. This encounter would have been deadly for Keiko if not for Ayen’s growing love for her. After a series of dramatic events, they both reach the Source of Souls. With the power gifted by nature and strengthened by their love, they finally free the souls, leading to the collapse of the world of Fonsim. Despite their dramatic experiences and abilities and the incomprehension of many phenomena, Keiko and Ayen maintain their youthful vigour, humour, romantic fervour, and joy, making this story feel natural and human. What transpired at the Source of Soul Energy, the roles the heroes played in the novel, and the consequences of their battle will bring to Earth’s society and the world of Arabanga will surely be revealed in the next part of the trilogy, titled ‘Red Scream’. Author Thomas Blaidd leaves room for readers’ interpretation of many phenomena and events, providing a broad canvas for their imagination, echoing the art of Japanese manga
Reader reviewson social media
@J_estem_not_coping 28.10.2022
“Azure Scream” was the first of this kind of book that made it
to my shelf. I returned to it several times. No knights,
princesses, dragons etc., but there is a visible world, what
exists, power, friendship, betrayal, and the blurred boundary
of evil and good.
Made in Highland
Daria.reads9010 I wasn’t exactly a fantasy fan. I had only read
The Hunger Games before, so when I received “Azure Scream” from
@thomasblaidd, I was curious about the story.
I wasn’t disappointed at all. The way the fates of Keiko and
Ayen are portrayed completely absorbed me.
I’m waiting for part 3.
November 2022
President of Ostrow Wielkopolski, Beata Klimek
Mr. Thomas! Your achievements are a pride for the town of
Ostrow Wielkopolski, and I am convinced that a queue of
Ostrowians will line up for your books.
I will read it with great pleasure.
Everyone can see what they want to see in the story from your
book. I see some analogies myself, probably unintended, to
today’s times. But this makes the story of Keiko, The Radiant,
even more intriguing and absorbing. Revolutionary? You could
say so.
Regards, and I am looking forward to what lies ahead.
Blue Scream: Thomas Blaidd https://amzn.eu/d/90w8p6W
Simon 5.0 out of 5 stars
Verified Purchase
Engaging action
Reviewed in the United Kingdom 🇬🇧 on 30 March 2023
Fine and engaging title. Fast and interesting action. Solid and well-crafted edition. I recommend it.
Milada 5.0 out of 5 stars
Verified Purchase
Reviewed in Poland 🇵🇱 on 10 April 2023 Very good story.
Dawid 5.0 out of 5 stars
Verified Purchase
Colour of our emotions
Reviewed in the United Kingdom 🇬🇧 on 8 March 2023
Azure Scream is a fantasy novel. This is a great read, and the main characters are full of emotions we can relate to. Notably, the plot of this novel is unique and does not mimic existing stories, a rarity in this genre. I recommend it to fantasy fans, anime lovers, and all those looking for a fantasy adventure.