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Azure Scream

And now, Synrelis is creating the English version of the

beautiful cover and graphics. (bold font)

I am extremely pleased that I convinced my daughter to take on this

project. The covers created for the Polish language edition of

the trilogy have been well-received by readers, as evidenced by

the numerous opinions shared on social media.


"Azure Scream" Thomas Blaidd

I rarely reach for fantasy, but I'm glad that this time I let myself be tempted.

After just a few pages, I knew that I would like the characters and that it would be an interesting and extraordinary story.

It is a story about self-discovery, about dealing with reality, about growing up in very unusual conditions.

The two main characters have to face really difficult challenges. Despite the uncertain and the complicated reality in which they suddenly find themselves, they do not lose anything of their youthful enthusiasm and a kind of carelessness. Their dialogues are gold, they are full of humor, sarcasm and charming banter. I think it's their way of dealing with a difficult situation and the stress that comes with it.

The author raises in his novel many important issues of a political, socio-sociological nature. Ideological. By creating his universe, he makes us realize how dangerous any fanaticism and blind faith in predetermined rules or values are. We can see how important it is not to take anything for granted, to create our own hierarchy of values and surrender. Question everything that seems vague or even suspicious to us.

At the same time, the author shows us the mechanisms, rules, and dependencies that have prevailed for centuries in the world. Only the heroes change and surroundings, while the scenario of events remains unchanged. The fight between good and evil has been going on continuously for centuries and invariably, often even impossible, it becomes impossible to draw a clear and clear boundary between one and the other. Still, the good during this fight loses to some extent, even if it ultimately succeeds.

The author also draws our attention to the appearance of the reality that surrounds us, to the fact that not only the first impression can be wrong, that the people around us can change and make mistakes. At the same time, it reminds us of the legitimacy of applying the principle of limited trust to practically everyone, because we are all only human.

Another important problem that appears in this story is the irresistible desire to have power over us in the world, striving to gain it at all costs, often under the guise of doing good and proclaiming noble slogans. We see how often ruthless heroes become who have gained some access to power, who feel better and more privileged than others. Together with the heroes, we feel the disastrous effects of leaving absolute power in someone else's hands...

I recommend it because of the extraordinary characters, interesting and really engaging plot and subtle prompting of the reader to reflect.

All that remains for me is to search for the second volume of this amazing trilogy by Ania Zawłocka-Miksa

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